S t o r y  &  P o e m

Although I have recently started working on more geometric surfaces, there is a specific reason that makes me continue with it as well: a story and a poem.
The story is Chinese and from the writings of Liezi (5th century BC), the poem is Japanese and by Gesshū Sōko (1618–1696).

The story is about two archers, an apprentice and his master; both with inhuman archery skills. They cannot be defeated by anyone except the other. They meet on a field and shoot at each other. The arrowheads collide in mid-flight and fall to the ground, kicking up no dust. The story continues but this piece was my inspiration, in combination with the poem.

The poem is more abstract but also describes 2 arrows that collide, but they do not fall to the ground but intersect each other and continue in a directionless space. Below is an English translation.

Inhale, exhale
Forward, back
Living, dying:
Arrows, let flown each to each
Meet midway and slice
The void in aimless flight —
Thus I return to the source.

I made three pieces with the following title:

列子 – 月舟宗胡
Story and Poem
Liezi meets Sōko (part #…)

The first characters are Chinese and translate “Lie” and “Master” or Master Lie.
After the hyphen it says “Gesshū Sōko” in Japanese.

It fits the “appearing and disappearing” aspect that I want to show in my work.