My name is Laurens Mostert (1981, The Hague, The Netherlands). I studied Architectural Engineering in my place of birth for a few years. After that I studied Graphic Design at the KABK.
I came to realize that Dutch ZERO had to be my artistic starting point. Late 2015 I made my first relief. Click here see how I made one. I tried to develop a more distinct signature from the start. Since early 2020 that has resulted in other series.
The creative process is both intuitive and analytical.
For questions, feel free to leave me a message.
Thanks for visiting !
permanent representation
Galerie Mia Joosten (Amsterdam, NL)
Art The Hague (NL ’24)
AAF Amsterdam (NL, ’21, ’22, ’23)
AAF Brussels (BE, ’22)
Art Laren (NL, ’21)
group & solo (selection)
Galerie Artline (Delft, NL)
Peter Leen – Not SameSame (Breukelen, NL)
De Kruisruimte with Mia Joosten & Hanneke Janssen (Eindhoven, NL)
Restaurant s e n s e -one Michelin star- (Waasmunster, BE)
ART[s] Gallery Simone Jansen (Noordwijk, NL)
Galerie Mia Joosten (Amsterdam, NL)
Art Gallery Rozendaal (Montfort, NL)
Bart Wouters Kunstgalerij (Brasschaat, BE)
Graanschuur : ZJHT (Wassenaar, NL)
Galerie Bloemendaal (Bloemendaal, NL)
Galerie Année (Haarlem, NL)
Galerie 44 (The Hague, NL)
Galerie Kempro (Sterksel, NL)
Galerie Inez (Maastricht, NL)
Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender (publication, 2019)